Rule #1 – Don’t Panic

Don’t Panic

When faced with unexpected difficulty, calmness will win the day.

Losing control of your vehicle while driving? Don’t panic. If you are skidding, steer into the skid, but keep your cool. If you know what is going on around you, you can steer away from danger safely. If you have to make a choice between hitting a person or hitting an animal…always choose to hit the animal, and that includes if your other choice is to hit an immovable object.

Trouble at work – someone being difficult – maybe someone throwing you under the bus? Don’t panic – in these situations, good leadership will always want to get at a solution and not play the blame game. If you focus on solutions you will come out ahead. And, if leadership is looking to play the blame game…get out.

Trying to get help from customer service? Your flight is cancelled? Trying to return something you bought? On the phone with the help desk and they are clueless or don’t speak your language? Stay calm, it will be OK. Be nice in those situations, even if they don’t deserve your niceness – you win in the end..