My Legacy Den

Preserve the Authentic story of your Generation

Tell it like it is so they can see it as it really was

Your Legacy Den is a personal record of all the things you would like to share with family and friends. Cataloged and organized for the “here and now” AND for posterity.

What is a Legacy Den?

Simply put, it is an electronic time capsule.

Instead of a container that stores physical objects and buried for the future,

It is a digital catalog of your thoughts and fondest memories accessible to this and future generations.

Memories, life lessons and experiences

Saved at your finger tips

How did the Legacy Den start?

It came to me one day…there is a lot of advice and wisdom I want to share with my kids and grandkids – and a limited amount of time to pass it along.

Part of the problem is there are not a lot of opportunities to share these things face to face. Many times, thoughts come to mind when my family is not even around.

So how DO you save this legacy and make it available to your family when they are ready for it – because let’s face it, sometimes we need a few years under our belt before we are ready to listen to advice!

I needed a simple and easy way to capture my thoughts at any moment. Making it safe, secure and organized for my family and friends to access whenever they want.

The Legacy Den was born!

This world is dominated by artificially generated, impersonal content. How much noise and junk captures our attention every day!? Changing that reality can seem overwhelming.

So, what can you do about it?

The answer is AUTHENTICITY. Authenticity in your own little corner of the world! Capture your special memories, family history, life experiences and wisdom…to share with family and friends in your personal Legacy Den.

Sure, there is Facebook, Instagram and other social media, but how do you preserve your memories AND organize them? Those platforms just don’t to a very good job of that.

PLUS, all those social media sites use your personal information for their gain. With your own Legacy Den, you control what is private and what is public. No one is harvesting your personal information.

What wisdom would you pass along to your younger self?

You can’t go back in time, but you can do the next best thing

Flip the Script! – bring Authenticity to your corner of the world

“My wife and kids never got to meet my Dad. That is a shame – he was a great guy. Full of life, love and laughs! What I would give to have some of his memories and wisdom written down.”

Joe D.

Joe D

Founder, The Legacy Den

We are on a mission to leave a legacy of wisdom and memories

If you don’t tell your story, it might never be told!

Family Memories

Road trips, family vacations, holiday gatherings, burnt dinners, first dates, birthday parties, funny moments, sports and academic achievements.

Life Lessons

If I only knew then what I know now… I wish someone had told me…Wisdom is learning from the experience of others and avoiding consequences.

Family History

Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle, Brother and Sister. Record your family history while you are living it. Share your family beginnings and stories.

One hand reaching down

Life can get pretty crazy, and someday your loved ones will need some sage advice. Capture it in your Legacy Den for when they need it.

Tell Your Story

Your past defines who you are today. What you do today defines who you will be tomorrow. Someone someday will want to hear that story.

Family Heirlooms

Family treasures are not always things you can touch like a pendant or pearls. Grandma’s recipes, Dad’s jokes, go to scriptures, books you should read, favorite music and movies. You decide what is important.

Capture it all in your own Legacy Den

Got a Smartphone?

Your Legacy Den is in your hand. This means you can capture thoughts, ideas and memories as they happen! Use the voice to text feature on your device for even MORE convenience.

Special Events

Remember details of your special events. Each year memories are being made at Christmas, birthdays, graduations, family vacations, just sitting around playing cards…whatever. Don’t lose those memories.

Family Cooking Secrets

Not all heirlooms can be held in your hand. How about your Uncle’s special meal that no one else in the family can seem to duplicate? Recipes handed down from generation to generation. Capture them in your Legacy Den for you and your loved ones to cherish.

Stories From High School?

Remember those fun times in High School or College? Your best friends who you promised you would never forget. Stories and adventures you thought you would always remember. Capture theses special times in your Legacy Den and you will never forget!

Remember Your Special Trips

Remember your honeymoon? Sure you do, but how much detail do you remember? When you carry your Legacy Den in your pocket you can capture those memories so you can visit them later and reminisce with loved ones years down the road.

How does it work

The Legacy Den dashboard and entry screens have been designed with every technology skill level in mind

From your Smartphone or Desktop

Wild Friends…Crazy Relatives?

We all have them! How many of the funniest stories have you forgotten over the years? Imagine capturing the most fun times with your friends and family and having them at your fingertips years later to bring up the funny…and the cringe worthy moments.

Stories From Your Youth

We all think that we won’t forget. Special times, special friends – especially things that really meant something to you. Things that shaped who you are. Save these in your Legacy Den and they will always be there to lift you up!

What do I get?

  • Your personalized Legacy Den
  • Create your own Topics
  • Save as many memories and pearls of wisdom as you like
  • 200 MB storage for images and voice recordings
  • Powerful search function for family and friends
  • Optionally password protect your Den

How much does it cost?

At first? Nothing.

Sign up for a free 10-day trial – no credit card required

After your 10-day trial is up, we will bill you just

Share YOUR life with family and friends

Coming soon! Click the Contact Us button below and we will let you know when we launch!