Situational Awareness

4 Stages of Alertness

If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, get filled.

If you don’t know what that is, ask me or someone in my family, we are ALL spirit filled – it is a supernatural gift from God.

Remember, you can’t get the supernatural without the natural, so do your part, the natural part, and educate yourself and get filled!

In any public situation there are 4 situational “alert” stages.  You will fall into one of them whether you know it or not.

  • White – you are oblivious to what is going on around you. Your eyes are glued to the phone, you are reading a book or magazine, you are talking on the phone, you are sleeping…take your pick. White is not a desirable state to be in – DO NOT allow yourself to linger here. Always advance to Yellow.
  • Yellow – first thing you do is evaluate the people around you. Who looks scary. Who looks like they might help if something bad went down. Let Holy Spirit guide you here. 99.99% of the time there will be nothing to worry about, you can relax. The main thing is to always know what is going on around you.
  • Orange – this is where your spidey sense, or Holy Spirit raises your alertness. Observe. If you see something, say something – call 911 or whatever security organization is close. I would rather face a little embarrassment for calling in something that is nothing than the alternative. If the situation warrants, leave the situation. If you are on the subway, there’s another train coming shortly, get off. If you are getting on a plane…same thing, get off if you feel like there is something wrong. NO MEETING is worth the risk if Holy Spirit is strongly influencing you to leave. I have only had to switch to Orange a couple of times, and I was able to take appropriate action, but still those situations could have escalated.
  • Red – In the name of Jesus, this will never be the case, especially if you are following these awareness colors. However, if you do happen to find something bad going down, DON’T PANIC. Holy Spirit will lead you, every situation will be different but He will ALWAYS provide a way to get through it. I have never seen Red, I have seen Orange though, in those situations I was able to take proactive steps to help some others stay safe and avert the Red state.