What Is Prayer

What is Prayer?

Believe it or not, prayer is one of the most important, if not THE most important, weapon we have in our arsenal to over come this world.

Life will throw you curve ball after curve ball, and if you are not prepared (in my mind I would say “prayed up“) it will be a lot harder for you to make contact with the ball (to continue the baseball analogy).

I hope my perspective on the subject can help.

Simply put, prayer is conversing with God. Not just talking to the Lord but listening. The latter is easy (being quiet before God). The former is easy as well (saying what’s on your heart). Merriam-Webster defines prayer as “an address (such as a petition) to God in word or thought.

The shortest prayer is: “God” or “Lord.”

Is it Magic?
Simply put…NO
There is a God side to prayer AND a man side.

Prayer is supernatural, so you won’t get the super if you do not do the natural.

When your prayers line up with what God says, incredible things happen. A good analogy is how magnets affect metal. Check out this video:

Magnet Experiment

When the magnet (your prayers that line up with God’s Word) get near the metal shavings (things and people around you) tend to get in line with your prayers. You still have to take action, and you will know God’s presence is with you. You can be led in your actions.

It doesn’t mean you won’t miss the mark sometimes and make mistakes. It also does not guarantee your prayers are answered in the way you think they should.

I can tell you from experience, in the end, when your heart is right, your results will match up with what God has planned. And what God plans is ALWAYS better than what we can think or imagine.

So, what is the man side?

  • Give your heart to Jesus – born again
  • Be filled with the Spirit
  • Consistently put God’s Word in your heart (consistently, not perfectly!)
  • Have an open heart to receive what God provides

So, what is God’s side?

  • He makes you righteous in Jesus
  • Holy Spirit will come upon you to give you “utterance” or prayers
  • You will be transformed
  • God can bless you beyond what you can imagine

So what can you expect?

  • Effective prayers.

Check out the scriptures below:

Romans 3:22 [Amp]
This righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all those [Jew or Gentile] who believe [and trust in Him and acknowledge Him as God’s Son].

Romans 8:26-27 [Amp]
In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words. 27And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes [before God] on behalf of [c]God’s people in accordance with God’s will.

Romans 12:2 [Amp]
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [c]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

Ephesians 3:20-21 [Amp]
Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, 21to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen.

James 5:16 [Amp]
Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God–it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Practical Application

God leads through prayer
I was in business with someone who professed to be Christian – but things did not work out. Very bad break up. During the legal work to split up the business, there was some debt that was in dispute. My wife and I fervently prayed for God’s mercy/grace/favor. Long story short, in prayer God prompted my heart to call a lawyer to step in and negotiate. Had I waited just one more day, the financial results would have been horrible. Instead, God did show mercy/grace/favor and I was able to eliminate the debt for MUCH less costs.

This is a great example of how God works. Prayer is not magic, but prayer is your communication link with the One who knows all – the One who is for you – the One who can prompt you to take the right actions at the right time. You have to add the natural to get the supernatural!

Life for My Youngest Daughter

The life of my daughter saved by faith

So, my wife, Diane, and I were married for 3-4 years before we started having kids. Our first daughter was born and we were so excited and filled with joy.

We were planners you know and thought, wow, we wanted Laura to have a sibling pretty close to her age.

So we didn’t wait too long to try again, and our timing seemed to be good. We got pregnant and the two would be about 18 months apart…perfect plan.

Long story short, due to complications just a few months into our pregnancy we lost our second child.

We were devastated to say the least.

Now…the big BUTBUT GOD! He never left us, just as he promised. And through that incredibly difficult time, He loved us through it and we healed. We studied scripture even more and became more committed to His Word. It took time, BUT GOD! He healed our broken hearts.

We decided to put our faith into action, prayed and decided to try again. God is faithful, we had another one on the way!

Not too far into this pregnancy, Diane started experiencing similar symptoms as when we lost our second child.

BUT GOD! Through that last experience we had grown stronger in our faith (especially Diane). This time we were more prepared – WE WERE NOT LOSING ANOTHER ONE.

As soon as we realized what was happening we pulled out the big guns! Strong Christian friends and Scriptures on healing – promises from God to us. We had studied them and hid them in our heart for such a time as this, and so did our very good friends Marty and Karen.

Mark 16:17-18 (Jesus speaking)

These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: …. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”

1 Peter 2:24 (Peter speaking about Jesus)

He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.

These and other scriptures are easily found by just looking up the topic of healing in your Bible.

We got down to business and started praying, speaking these verses over Diane and laying hands on her. We prayed until the Holy Spirit gave us peace that we had accomplished the mission – saving my baby.

Miraculously, 6-7 months later Lisa was born and she has been a blessing ever since. Thank you Jesus! Another miracle.

God Steps in for My Oldest

Angels we are unaware of

My daughter was just a baby, under 1 year old and still in a car seat. My wife and I were driving through the middle of nowhere…middle of Ohio.

It was the middle of the night and we hadn’t even seen another car on the road for what seemed like forever.  My daughter was in her car seat in the back and eating some candy – jelly beans I think.

Something prompted me to glance in the back seat and I noticed her lips were turning blue – and we freaked out! My baby – OMG!

Within 2 seconds the car went from 75mph to 0 and I pulled to the side of the road. Remember, middle of nowhere…we hadn’t seen a car for a while.

Imagine how fast I was, leaping out of the driver’s seat and pulling her out of her car seat – adrenaline pumping and I was FOCUSED!

Literally, by the time I had her out of the car seat, I look up and an SUV was parked in front of us and two young men were already jogging towards us.

“We saw you pull over so quickly and wanted to see if we could help. We are EMTs!”

Hmmm…where did they come from? This is my thought as I am cradling my child about to do a Heimlich on her.


As I start tapping on her back, I look behind and a Cadillac is parked behind us. A woman is jogging towards us.

“I saw you pull over so quickly and wanted to see if I could help. I am the head nurse at the hospital down the road!”

Hmmm…where did she come from?

By this time the candy was dislodged and Laura was breathing fine. The nurse took a quick look and all was well.

My wife and I thanked everyone vigorously for stopping. It was kind of surreal.

Everyone got back in their vehicles and went on their way.

Funny thing is, we did not see any cars on the road for the next hour or so…not even the Cadillac or the SUV. 

Hmmm…where did they go?

That incident built my and my wife’s faith that God really has sent his angels to keep charge over us.

Ps 91:11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.

This has become a staple in our Scripture “arsenal” ever since.

My Back Was Healed

Terrible back pain healed

Years ago when I was in my mid twenties, I was extremely active in sports as I am now.

I had an incident while playing volleyball inside of a racket ball court (sport called wallyball).  I twisted my back very badly. I was injured for about a week, laid up unable to work or walk even. After it healed it would flare up every once in a while. Terrible, terrible pain.

I lived with this for several years.

Then one day in a church service with a guest pastor, who has a gift for explaining the healing power of God was speaking. I started learning about healing, and then she asked if anybody needed healing. I raised my hand along with many other people.

I did not know what to expect when I walked up to have her pray for me.

She didn’t know me from Adam so she would have no idea what I was going through.

As soon as I got to her she simply reached down, touched the small of my back where the injury had occurred, and prayed.  And at that moment my back was healed and I have never had a problem since.

There is no doubt in my mind God showed up and I was healed that day.

Miracle #1

Total Transformation

The 1st miracle in my life was when I found out about who Jesus really is.  Bypassing what others SAID about him, and making my mind up for myself.

I will never forget that moment. I heard the truth, the gospel, spoken in a clear and articulate way.

Once I received salvation, I was changed that instant. Huge, huge moment in my life.

It doesn’t happen like this for everyone, but it did for me. I could really feel the presence of God change me.

A lot of my former bad habits just dropped off, some I had to work on over the years (and many I am still working on). There is no doubt though, I was changed from the inside.

This was in the late 1980’s, so a lot of water has gone under the bridge, but one thing is for certain – my life with God in it has been a wonderful journeyUps and downs, yes, but all in all worth it!

The more I learn about who He is, the more confident I am in my salvation.

I just wish that I could allow folks who are searching for God could see through my eyes for just a moment – God is, and He is good, and He loves us all!

The whole story of this can be found in a 5 minute read, and if you are interested, click HERE.


King David lived nearly 3,000 years ago, but he knew what it meant to wait for God’s timing, to wait to be king, to wait to be rescued from his enemies. He wrote:

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Waiting requires courage.

But waiting patiently for the Lord isn’t an excuse to do nothing.

We can proactively wait on God by staying in communication with Him by:

  • looking for His fingerprints in ordinary moments
  • reading about His story and His plans in His Word
  • worshiping Him no matter what’s happening across the globe
  • serving the people both inside and outside of our circles
  • thanking Him for the gifts He’s already given us

Remember, there’s a man side and a God side to your faith.

God has already given us promises, but he also tells us how to press into those promises. That’s the man’s side. That’s where my favorite 3 words come in: Patience, Discipline, and Consistency

Apply those during your waiting Not only to growing spiritually, but preparing yourself for whatever you’re waiting on.

If you’re waiting for a new and better job opportunity, prepare yourself by meeting people, networking, reading up on the industry you want to break into, learn on technology that will help you in your next position. If you’re waiting for a great relationship, prepare yourself by growing and becoming the best you that you can be.

My Testimony

If you are looking to get to know me, this will be a pretty good basis for “who Joe is“. Who I am is really all wrapped up in how God has come into my life.

I said how God came into my life, not religion – there is a big difference.

Christianity is a topic that culture today sometimes puts down and mocks. And I get it. The great Mahatma Gandhi once said “…I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ…”

What did he mean? It is not what a Christian believes, but because of how many Christians act. I am embarrassed by how some of my fellow Christians act…heck, I am embarrassed by how I ACT sometimes! And this makes me sad, because if you never learn the truth about God because of how his people act, then shame on us!

All I can say about that is, at least for me (I can’t speak for others), I try to recognize the areas I need to grow and do my best to change and be better. It is a struggle sometimes, and I don’t always hit the mark. I endeavor to accept people as they are and do my best to represent the true God to them. To be kind to them, and that is a direct result of how God has changed me. I was not always very kind and accepting, but He changed all of that.

So, here is my “story”.

I had a pretty normal childhood, at least for a kid raised in the ’70s who spent the beginning of his adult life enjoying the ’80s. Looking back, I had FUN! As a matter of fact, all of my decisions were centered around that…how much fun can I have! I grew up playing sports, partying and carousing and chasing after girls – always looking for the next fun thing to do. Good times – at least by my standards – at that time of my life.

I smoked a lot of pot starting in my early teens and gradually gave it up by my late 20’s. Looking back, while I enjoyed it at the time, I can honestly say that I missed out on a lot. You see, it really took away my ambition to achieve. That is a whole topic unto itself, just suffice to say that it is a regret.

As far as God… I knew of Him and thought that I was doing “OK“. I never killed anyone and I was a pretty good person, whatever that meant. Never really gave much thought to what happens AFTER…I just figured hey, I am not as bad as some people, I should be good to go when I leave this earth.

You see, I was raised with religion…knowing there is a God, but not knowing God. Religion to me is man’s feeble attempt to understand God and man-made rules to try and please Him. When I think about how religion tries to bring us closer to God –  rules, condemnation, shame, guilt – it really is an impossible ladder to climb.

Religion can make people do odd things. Even bad things. But if you let the actions of others define who God is, you are letting others determine your future – both how you live this life and what happens to you when exit this life. This can be very difficult to overcome.

That was my mind set when it came to God – basically letting the actions of others define who He is.

And then there was this nagging in the back of my mind, there was something missing in my life – what was it?

So, one day I was listening to a speaker – much like you are today.

He told me his perspective of God. And it was compelling enough for me to let down my guard just a little and let go of my preconceptions for just a minute. I listened and evaluated.

I was moving through life pretty smoothly, had a good life. Great wife, we were DINKS (double income no kids), making good money – bright future.

I still had that nagging feeling that there was more – that there was something missing in my life. I couldn’t shake that feeling.

The speaker started talking about how religion has kind of turned people off about God. He talked about how religion is all about defining what I must do to reach God – that sin kept me from knowing Him. Religious rules and regulations – things I needed to do to “earn” God’s love.

That was a problem – I knew I could never be good enough to reach those marks.

It was hard to explain at the time, but inside my “gut” I felt a tugging. Something I couldn’t shake that was telling me this guy was talking truth. I have always been a fan of truth, so I kept listening to what he was saying… and evaluating. He was describing exactly what I thought God was all about at the time. I could never be good enough.

While I am a fan of truth, I also have a hefty portion of cynicism – always looking out for what people are trying to get from me.  But this guy was not looking for anything from me – he was just sharing. So I kept listening.

After covering his thoughts about religion, things took a dramatic turn.

He started talking about Jesus.

Funny, in today’s culture when you bring up Jesus you can get an entire spectrum of reactions. From radical acceptance to radical rejection. Many even use Jesus as a cuss word.

But this time, for me, as I continued to feel that tugging on the inside, I heard some things about who Jesus is that changed my life. Things I didn’t know before. From my religious experience, I had heard them spoken about in prayers and stories. But I didn’t KNOW them.

So, here it is in a nutshell.

While religion talks about what WE need to do to reach God – Jesus was sent by God to do everything that needs to be done to reach GodON OUR BEHALF.  A Gift for us from God.

Think about it, if we can’t be perfect enough to reach God, don’t you think God knows that? I mean he IS God! He made us, so he has to know how flawed we are.

So what was it that needed to be done? What is it that keeps us separated from God? The key here is sin.

What is sin? Actually, the definition of sin can be pretty complex. Transgression, wrongdoing, corrupted heart, immorality…there are many definitions. However you define it, the result of sin is the same – separation from God. Let’s not get caught up in the definition of sin, let’s focus on the result.

Go a little deeper. I used to think of sin as rules that God has so that I can’t enjoy all the things that life has to offer. As I looked harder, I learned that sin is not rules to follow, but things to avoid so I can enjoy closeness to God. Until I realized this, I never understood the joy and happiness that came from being close to God. This was a game changer for me.

So what do we do with sin? We are all affected by it. It is something we don’t talk a lot about. Why? I think, at least for me, it is a lot about ego, my ego. No one should tell me what is right and wrong, what I can and cannot do. I am a good person because the stuff I do isn’t THAT bad – I mean I am not killing people or anything like that, you know. There are people that do a whole lot more bad things than me. I am not so bad.

This is called self-righteousness. Self-righteousnessMaking myself RIGHT WITH GOD. If you really ponder that, you will realize that we cannot make ourselves right with God. It has to be Him that brings us in to right standing.

Enter Jesus.

The Bible tells us that sin has a wage. We all have a sense of things that go against God – think of the 10 commandments – things like murder, stealing, lying, etc., you fill in the blank). The wages are death –  Separation from God. It is that simple. It is not that God doesn’t want us to live a good life and enjoy our time on earth, it is that a perfect God cannot be around sin. And He wants to be around us. He chooses us!

It was around this point that I realized…Because of my preconceptions of God, I was trapped and I didn’t even know it.

I thought…being sinless to be with God is a pretty high mountain to climb. I don’t think I could ever do that. As a matter of fact I have already done some of those things that separate me from God (not killing anyone of course, but I have lied, stolen, lusted, etc.), so I was screwed!

What I learned that day, though, is that God is love. Not that God loves, but that GOD IS LOVE! He provided a way for us to be with him, even though we have sinned.

The Bible tells us that God so loved you, He so loved me, that He sent Jesus to live on earth to be perfect FOR us. So that if we believe in Jesus, and we accept His sacrifice as payment for our sin, and turn away from that sin, we can live here and now with God as our heavenly father, and when we die – live with Him forever. That is the promise. That is the free gift.

And it is pretty simple really. Jesus came to live among us…and He did. He lived a sinless life – something none of us could ever do – ALL of us have fallen short.

History tells us that Jesus was tortured and crucified and died as an innocent man. Even those who condemned him to this horrible death said He was innocent.

Jesus took on all of the sin of the world and was separated from God for 3 days – to pay the wages for us. And after 3 days Jesus rose from the dead and declared the wages for our sin were paid, and if we accepted that payment we could be with God.

This was worlds apart from what I was taught. What I had just heard was Good News!

At this point the tugging on my gut was pretty strong and I had a decision to make. The speaker laid it out pretty simply.

Now that I had heard this good news, I had a choice to make: I could let the sacrifice of Jesus pay my wages – I could accept that payment, or not. No one forcing me to do a thing. It was between me and God. No one would even know the difference between a “yes” and a “no”. It was then that I KNEW that the tugging on my gut was God. He wanted me to be with Him because He loved ME. But love is not love if it is forced. So in order for me to love Him back I had to choose to love Him.

So I said YES. And let me tell you, that changed my life for ever.

After that, every light turned green for me from then on, I had no more financial struggles, no more relationship struggles, always getting what I wanted, never sick again…Not exactly.

Life continued to have its ups and downs, but that tugging on my gut stayed with me (and got stronger).

I decided to learn more about what “living the here and now” in a real relationship with God meant. I started studying and asking questions.

Now, when I have financial struggles, sickness, problems with people, etc. I have someone I can lean on in prayer. And when I pray, He gives me peace and guidance through the struggles of life that I didn’t have before.

It is that “something more” I was looking for – it was what was missing in my life. A relationship with God, through the person of Jesus.

So now you have a decision to make.

If your answer is “no“, thanks for taking time to read my story. I hope you at least learned something you didn’t know before.

If your answer is “yes“, it is pretty simple to accept the gift Jesus gave us.

God is listening right now and really all you need to do is from your gut, give in to the “tug“, tell Him that you know you have missed the mark, you are sorry and want to do better. Then tell Him that you believe in the gift of Jesus and you want to accept the gift of his payment for your wages.

Speak words to that affect (pray), out loud so you can hear them. The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus paid your wages and ask Jesus to be your Lord, you will be saved.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  –John 3:16

Simple as that.

If you do pray this, find someone who knows God in this way. Talk to them about it and find a good church. If you are having trouble with this, reach out to me, I’d be happy to speak with you.

Thanks for your time, I hope it was worth it.

10 Important Things

  1. The less you say, the more your words will matter.
  2. Don’t take everything personally, not everyone is thinking about you as much as you do.
  3. When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.
  4. No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggle changed your life for the better.
  5. You meet people for a reason. Either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs.
  6. Never be afraid to try something new. Life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.
  7. You will never truly know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
  8. Once you take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things you lack.
  9. If you do not have control over your mouth, you do not have control over your future.
  10. Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks about.

Doubt vs Unbelief

Scottish evangelist, Henry Drummond once said:

“Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is ‘I can’t believe’; unbelief is ‘I won’t believe.’ Doubt is honest; unbelief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light; unbelief is content with darkness.”

Doubt that finds the light becomes belief.

Do you doubt Jesus?

Bring your doubt to the Light of the World and believe!