The Main Thing

You have heard of Gibbs’ rules…Here are Joe’s Nuggets

Some of these are “tongue and cheek”, and they all contain valuable life lessons.

Over the years, I have done my best to collect wisdom from many sources. Books, friends, mentors, family, spiritual leaders and yes, even TV and movies can provide bits of wisdom if you know where to look!

Enjoy these, know them, live them!

The Main Thing

Always know what is going on around you.

What started out as some advice for my kids when I taught them to drive evolved into something that is applicable for life in many situations.

While driving – always know where other drivers are in relation to you and keep an eye on them. Always practice defensive driving. They may not be as good a driver as you.

At work – know what your boss’ position is in the company and how well he/she is doing in their position. Do your best to help them strengthen that position, at the same time keep your options open.

On the subway (or anywhere there a a lot of people close together) – take mental notes of the situation – situational awareness which will be mentioned in a different nugget. Look at each person around you and let Holy Spirit guide your attention. 99.99% of the time you will feel safe, it is that .01% that can bite you in the rear.